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The Ultimate Guide to FUE Hair Transplant

The Ultimate Guide to FUE Hair Transplant McKinney

Find Your Path to a Fuller and Natural-looking Head of Hair with FUE Minimally Invasive Hair Transplant Surgery

Are you struggling with thinning hair or receding hairline? Have you exhausted all other treatments and products without seeing any results? If yes, then it's time for you to consider the ultimate solution: a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant. This innovative procedure can help you restore a fuller, more natural-looking head of hair.

Which Hairline most closely resembles you?


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This guide aims to provide detailed insights into the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure. FUE is a minimally invasive hair transplant surgery that enables the individual harvesting and transplantation of hair follicles. FUE has continued to establish itself as the best hair transplant method due to its natural-looking results, lack of linear scars, and fast recovery time. This guide will explore the FUE technique, its benefits, risks, limitations, and the pre and post-operative care required to ensure successful results. At Body by Blink, we know the emotional toll hair loss can have on your self-confidence and how frustrating it can be. Therefore, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information to help you find your way to hair restoration. Whether you are considering FUE hair transplant for the first time or have questions about the process, this guide will be your go-to resource.

Understanding Hair Loss and Its Causes

Male or female pattern baldness, Androgenetic Alopecia, affects around 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States alone. Approximately 40% of men experience visible hair loss by age 35, and this percentage increases to 65% by age 60. Moderate to extensive hair loss is prevalent, ranging from 16% for men aged 18-29 to 53% for men aged 40-49. [Source: PubMed]. Female pattern hair loss: Around 40% of women are affected by female pattern hair loss (FPHL) by age 50. [Source: PMC] Hair loss can profoundly impact a person's confidence and youthfulness. Our hair is often seen as a symbol of vitality and attractiveness, and losing it can lead to feelings of self-consciousness and insecurity. The visible signs of thinning or receding hairline can make individuals feel older than they are, affecting their overall perception of themselves. Loss of self-esteem affects social interactions and professional opportunities, as it may be perceived as a sign of aging or diminished health.

In recent years, remarkable strides have been made in hair restoration, offering individuals new hope and effective solutions for hair loss. The traditional follicular unit transplantation (FUT) method replaces advanced techniques like follicular unit extraction (FUE). This method has enhanced the precision and naturalness of results, reduced recovery times, and minimized scarring. Moreover, cutting-edge research in regenerative medicine has led to innovative treatments, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP), platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy, and stem cell therapy, which aims to stimulate hair follicle growth and improve overall hair health. Additionally, pharmaceutical advancements have introduced FDA-approved medications like finasteride and minoxidil, offering non-invasive options for slowing or reversing hair loss. These collective breakthroughs signify a transformative era in hair restoration, providing individuals with diverse, practical, and personalized solutions to address the complex issues of hair thinning and baldness.

The Ultimate Guide to FUE Hair Transplant McKinney

Forever Hair by Body By Blink

The Ultimate Guide to FUE Hair Transplant McKinney

Benefits of FUE Hair Transplant

The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method stands out for several key factors distinguishing it from traditional hair transplantation techniques. One of its notable features is the individual collection of hairs, offering a meticulous and targeted approach. This precision increases the chances of achieving a denser, more natural-looking result than other methods. Importantly, with FUE, there is no loss of a strip of hairline, preserving the natural contours of the patient's scalp and no linear scar. The procedure allows for a single hair transplant involving thousands of hair grafts (most procedures are between 2,000 and 2,500 grafts), demonstrating its efficiency in addressing extensive hair loss. FUE has gained prominence for its versatility, as it is the only helpful technique for body hair or facial hair transplant.

Moreover, we use an assisted hair transplant method called NeoGraft® that enables the grafting of thousands of follicles in a single day, making it a time-efficient option for those seeking comprehensive restoration. FUE transplants with NeoGraft® also tend to have an exceptionally high graft success rate. Patients experience minimal discomfort during treatment, no unsightly linear scar, and a very short recovery time, with many returning to work the next day. The results are very natural-looking and can be worn with even short hairstyles. Overall, these distinguishing factors position NeoGraft® as the cutting-edge and highly effective method in hair transplantation. Patient satisfaction is very high: recent reviewers on RealSelf give NeoGraft® a 95% Worth It Rating.

The FUE Hair Transplant Process Step by Step

To begin, the practitioner will trim the hair in the donor region to a length of 1/16 of an inch. While the hair on the top of the head may be slightly longer, a shorter cut facilitates the extraction of a greater number of follicles. This enhances the efficiency of the small cylindrical punch employed to remove hairs and surrounding tissue from the scalp. It is crucial to ensure precise alignment of the punch, as any misalignment may result in cutting off the bottom of the hair follicle during the punching process.

The surgeon administers a local anesthetic to the treatment area to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Subsequently, they extract follicular unit grafts using a 0.7 mm to 1 mm punch and fine forceps, removing small bundles of hair-bearing scalp. Immediately following extraction, the surgeon places the follicular units in a preservative solution. In the donor areas, microscopic slits are made, angled in the direction of natural hair growth, and individual hair follicle grafts are carefully placed into these recipient areas. The entire process, spanning several hours, may require additional anesthetic periodically to ensure the patient's comfort. It is important to communicate any discomfort to the surgeon during the procedure. Although the process results in up to 2,500 small dot-like scars (0.7-1 mm in diameter) scattered across a broad area, these scars become less noticeable as new hair grows. Importantly, they are significantly less visible compared to the larger scars associated with more traditional Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) methods.

Recovery and Aftercare Following FUE Hair Transplant

Embarking on a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant journey can be a transformative experience, but the first three months can be frustrating. In the immediate aftermath of an FUE hair transplant, it's common for the treated scalp to exhibit redness, swelling, and scabbing. These are typical indications of the body's healing process and tend to resolve within 10-14 days post-procedure.

The redness and irritation typically subside within 1-3 weeks, although the exact timeline may vary between individuals. The graft sites will form scabs within 24 to 72 hours post-surgery, which usually fall off naturally within 3-10 days. As the scabs shed, they are also expected to enter the "shock loss" phase where the transplanted hair sheds, but the transplanted follicles remain safely embedded in the scalp and enter the dormant telogen phase. After 3 - 4 months, the dormant cycle ends, and the transplanted follicles will start to produce new hair. Since hair grows in cycles and not all follicles are on the same cycle, it is normal for the recipient area to look patchy for some time. The good news is the hair in the donor area does not experience "shock loss," and it will begin to grow back immediately.

So, the shaved area will be back to near normal quickly. After the 3rd month, the slow-growth phase begins. This is the time you can finally get excited about your procedure. At first, the new hair starts growing thin and curly, but don’t worry – it will thicken and straighten out as it grows longer. Don't worry if the transplanted area looks patchy at this stage. It's due to the different stages of hair growth in that area. The hair-busting stage starts at six months, and the transplanted hair's most noticeable growth and thickening begins. Finally, your new hair usually grows at the same rate as your original hair, about 1-2 cm per month. Hair will continue to lengthen and thicken, with most people achieving their final result at 12 months. Approximately five days post-procedure, the scalp should have healed sufficiently for gentle washing. We don't recommend a buzz cut for a year after transplantation, but a scissor cut is fine as soon as a week after transplantation.

The Ultimate Guide to FUE Hair Transplant McKinney
The Ultimate Guide to FUE Hair Transplant McKinney

Risks and Potential Complications of FUE Hair Transplant

Though considered safe, the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure is not without potential risks and complications. Every patient needs to know about potential risks and benefits to make informed decisions about this procedure. One of the most common issues that can arise post-procedure is pain. Depending on individual tolerance levels, this discomfort can range from mild to moderate. Swelling and edema are not unusual, often occurring in the scalp donor area due to the extraction process. Patients may sometimes experience numbness in the treated area, which subsides over time. Itching is another common side effect that, while usually harmless, can cause discomfort and should be monitored.

Another potential complication is infection. While rare, it's important to note that any surgical procedure carries this risk. Infections can occur if proper aftercare instructions are not followed or the patient is predisposed to such complications. Anaphylaxis, though extremely rare, is a severe allergic reaction that can occur in response to the anesthesia used during the procedure. Patients with known allergies should discuss this with their surgeon before the procedure. Folliculitis, inflammation of the hair follicles, can also occur. It usually presents as small, white-headed pimples around one or more hair follicles. In a minority of cases, transplanted hair grafts don't survive, leaving patients with the same hairline they had before surgery. Lastly, there is the risk of keloid scarring, cysts, and lost grafts. While these complications are rare, they can significantly impact the patient's satisfaction with the procedure and overall results. It's crucial to understand the potential risks and complications. As with any surgical procedure, discussing these concerns with a physician is essential before deciding on the best action.

FUE Hair Transplant With NeoGraft® vs. Other Hair Restoration Methods

Hair Restoration with NeoGraft® technology provides precise harvesting and placement, resulting in natural-looking hair growth. NeoGraft’s minimally invasive procedure ensures individual follicle removal while keeping the patient comfortable

Hair loss is a common issue that can affect people emotionally, particularly as they age. Previously, it was difficult to find effective ways to prevent this process. However, with advanced technology like NeoGraft®, patients now have access to a discreet solution for hair loss. This procedure offers natural-looking results with no linear scar, minimal downtime, and a shorter recovery period. Additionally, the restoration process is undetectable, keeping the treatment your little secret. Our hair transplantation procedure offers superior results, with more natural-looking hair for both men and women, whether you prefer short or long hair.

We use advanced automated technology, which is the least invasive method available. This means that you will experience little to no discomfort, as there is no scalpel incision, no staples, and no linear scar. Our procedure is effective and has fewer activity restrictions than traditional strip methods. Moreover, our patients can typically go back to work the very next day. We have programs available to meet your exact needs, making our service affordable for everyone.

Achieving a Fuller and Natural-Looking Head of Hair With FUE Hair Transplant

The good news is that solutions are available to address hair loss and restore confidence and a more youthful appearance. At Body by Blink, our team of experts understands the emotional impact of hair loss and offers advanced hair restoration treatments tailored to your needs. Our innovative techniques like NeoGraft® FUE and our personalized approach, including genetic testing to tailor a customized regenerative treatment, aim to help you regain a full head of hair and reclaim your self-assurance, allowing you to look and feel younger again. Don't let hair loss define your self-image – take control and explore the possibilities with Body by Blink.

FUE Hair Transplant Frequently Asked Questions

Individuals with moderate hair loss and adequate donor hair on the back of their scalp may be good candidates for a NeoGraft® Hair Transplant. This procedure is suitable for patients who want to wear a short haircut or those who want minimal activity restrictions after the transplant. Moreover, the NeoGraft® FUE System is effective for scar camouflage procedures in patients who have had previous linear harvests and for body hair transplants. It is essential to have reasonable cosmetic goals as hair transplantation can result in natural-looking outcomes but cannot restore hair density to that of teenage years. The doctor will assess how much coverage is necessary to achieve the desired appearance. Patients with greater hair density and more donor hair can expect fuller results.

Hair grafting is a procedure that involves taking hair from the back of your head, where it naturally grows, and transplanting it to where you are balding. The transplanted hair follicles are alive and will continue to grow normally in their new location. After the transplant, you will notice some shedding of the new hair within a few weeks, which is totally normal. However, in about 3 to 4 months, new hair growth will begin and continue to grow just like your natural hair. The best part is that the new hair will look natural and healthy, giving you a fuller head of hair.

After undergoing a hair transplant, it's important to note that hair loss may not stop entirely. In some cases, individuals may require continued maintenance and additional sessions, especially if their balding pattern continues to progress with age. Additional transplants may be necessary if you experience further hair loss or desire more density. We want your transplanted hair and your original hair to flourish, so we present a plan to help maintain a fertile growth environment with things like injectable PRF or PRP with medications to help your hair grow and thrive with minimal loss. During your consultation with a doctor, they will estimate the balding pattern the number of procedures needed, and what kind of maintenance may be required to achieve your desired results.

Because FUE/NeoGraft® is a minimally invasive procedure, it is a viable option for both men and women looking to restore their own living and growing hair through transplantation.

The NeoGraft® system is designed to be highly ergonomic, allowing surgeons to harvest hair follicles more quickly and accurately. As a result, patients undergoing NeoGraft® require less time in the procedure room and fewer FUE procedures overall to achieve their desired results. The procedure with NeoGraft® results in less bifurcation of hair follicles and quicker transplant from donor to recipient site, leading to a higher success rate of grafts.

If you have long hair, no. The procedure involves shaving small areas of the donor site, which can be easily covered by the rest of your hair. However, if you normally wear your hair short, shaving the entire donor area for maximum yield is best. This will also make the transplanted grafts blend in better with your natural hair.

Before a hair transplant procedure, the scalp is treated with a numbing medicine so that the patient does not feel any pain during the operation. The only time when the patient may feel a little discomfort is when the numbing medicine is injected into the scalp. However, the pain lasts for only a few seconds, and then the area becomes numb. During the procedure, the scalp remains numb, so the patient does not feel any pain. After the procedure, the donor sites may feel sore for a few days, like a sunburn. On a scale of 0-10 (0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain imaginable), the pain rating of injections and short-lasting discomfort after the procedure is very low, at around 2.

The NeoGraft® FUE system is a highly efficient hair transplant procedure that requires minimal downtime. In fact, most patients can return to their normal activities within a day after the procedure. However, it is advised that patients have someone to drive them home from the office after the procedure. Although there may be some discomfort, it is not too painful. For the first 1-3 days, it is crucial to protect the graft sites to avoid any chances of disruption. The grafts will be slightly raised in the first 1-2 weeks after implantation. Around three days after the procedure, the graft sites may start scabbing. Therefore, it is crucial to handle the hair and implantation sites gently, especially during showering. Additionally, the grafts will require protection from wind and sun exposure to avoid any disruption during the healing process.

You should book your McKinney consultation today if you’re looking for personalized aesthetic care from a doctor who treats patients with respect and kindness. Dr. Gaddis and his team at Body by Blink are the gold standards for head-to-toe aesthetic care and age management in McKinney. Schedule your consultation today.

6956 Mediterranean Dr., Suite 101, McKinney, TX 75072

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