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Laser Hair Removal in McKinney, TX

Laser Hair Removal in McKinney, TX  McKinney

Get Smooth, Hair-Free Results Fast And Pain-Free

Many individuals have at least one area of hair growth that isn’t their favorite feature. Some have much larger areas that they remove regularly. If either of these sounds like you, Laser Hair Removal with the Sciton Forever BARE BBL could be a perfect, long-term solution for smooth skin with no more waxing or shaving.

Laser Hair Removal with Sciton Forever BARE BBL at Body by Blink

We strive to offer the most innovative and transformative treatments available to our patients, so they live better and more confidently. Our McKinney, TX, Laser Hair Removal treatment at Body by Blink is performed with the Sciton Forever BARE BBL and provides a highly effective, pain-free option for permanent hair removal. Dr. Todd Gaddis is board-certified and committed to treating patients with great care and compassion and ensuring fantastic results.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal with the Sciton Forever BARE BBL works by using broadband light technology, or BBL, to reach the shaft of each hair follicle and target the pigment deep down. The follicle is essentially destroyed by the BBL and is unable to grow back or will grow back much thinner. Unlike IPL or intense pulsed light, which doesn’t go quite as far into the skin layers, BBL penetrates deep into the skin, directing treatment to the hair follicles. Sciton Forever BARE BBL boasts several additional features, including in-motion technology for fewer passes and a quicker treatment time, along with the improved sapphire chill tip for ultimate comfort.

Laser Hair Removal in McKinney, TX  McKinney

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

This treatment offers a convenient, long-lasting, and effective solution for unwanted hair, with numerous benefits over traditional hair removal methods. With hair-free, smooth skin, this treatment can boost self-confidence and body image, allowing you to feel more comfortable and confident in your appearance. Our McKinney, TX, Sciton Forever BARE BBL hair removal patients enjoy great benefits including:

  • Long-lasting hair reduction and smoother skin
  • Fewer painful ingrown hairs and other side effects of traditional hair removal
  • No more shaving or constantly booking waxing or threading appointments
  • Cost savings over time
  • Precise, effective, and quick treatment

Laser Hair Removal Candidates

Those who are seeking permanent or long-term hair removal for unwanted hair growth on the face, neck, arms, legs, back, and more may be good candidates for this hair removal treatment. Because all Laser Hair Removal treatments work by targeting the pigment in the hair follicle and avoiding the adjacent skin, this is not a viable option for those with very light blond or gray hair. While the Sciton Forever BARE BBL does work on a wider variety of skin tones than most, those with very dark complexions may not be good candidates.

Consultation and Preparation

At your consultation, we will conduct an examination of your skin and hair growth, discuss your goals, and create a customized treatment plan that includes detailed preparation information.

Laser Hair Removal in McKinney, TX  McKinney


We may start by applying a topical numbing cream to the area for maximum comfort, and you will receive special eye covers for proper eye protection. Then, your provider will steadily glide the handpiece across the targeted area for optimal coverage. Depending on the area, treatment only lasts about 15 to 30 minutes.

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

This procedure typically involves minimal downtime, but patients may experience mild redness and swelling in the treated area immediately after the procedure, which usually subsides within a few hours. Results from the treatment are usually visible after the first session, with significant reductions of hair growth noticeable within a few weeks. To maintain long-term results, patients may require periodic maintenance sessions after completing their initial treatment series.

Why choose Body by Blink?

The beauty of our philosophy at Body by Blink, voted Best of McKinney in 2023, is that we don’t just perform cosmetic procedures, we offer our patients Age Management techniques so they can age gracefully, beautifully, and confidently. Led by Dr. Todd Gaddis, our team of aesthetic professionals is passionate about providing five-star care and impressive aesthetic outcomes.

Schedule Your McKinney, TX, Laser Hair Removal Consultation at Body by Blink Today

There are multiple ways to contact our office to book your private consultation. You can message us anytime on our website, fill out our convenient contact form, or call us anytime at (945) 888-0180.

Laser Hair Removal Frequently Asked Questions

The Sciton Forever BARE BBL is considered one of the most comfortable treatments for hair removal, and most patients only experience a mild warming sensation even with no topical numbing solution.

Yes, this procedure is safe and low risk. Possible minor side effects could include some very temporary swelling or redness.

Most patients need more than one session for long-term hair growth reduction, but the precise technology of the Sciton Forever BARE BBL means less maintenance.

The Sciton Forever BARE BBL is more versatile than many hair removal methods and works for many skin types, but it is important to schedule a consultation in order to determine if it’s right for you.

The cost of Sciton Forever BARE BBL hair removal varies depending on what area will be treated and the extent of treatment necessary.

You should book your McKinney consultation today if you’re looking for personalized aesthetic care from a doctor who treats patients with respect and kindness. Dr. Gaddis and his team at Body by Blink are the gold standards for head-to-toe aesthetic care and age management in McKinney. Schedule your consultation today.

6956 Mediterranean Dr., Suite 101, McKinney, TX 75072

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